Combined Autism/ADHD Diagnosis - £1,590 - secured with a £215 booking deposit.


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Parents and adults across the UK and Ireland are often stuck on waiting lists for years when it comes to an ADHD diagnosis. 

Even those who go private, can often pay up to £4,000 for a diagnosis! 

With RTN Mental Health Solutions - the door will be opened for accessible, affordable and gold standard ADHD/Autism assessments that meet NICE Guidelines.

Assessment is for those aged 6 and over.

What You Get

  1. A Full ADHD Diagnostic assessment, Completed by a U.K. Based Accredited Chartered Clinical Psychologists - who are members of the British Psychology Society (BPS), and are recognised by the NHS 
  2. A full report for schools, workplaces, and your healthcare providers
  3. A post-diagnosis online session with a member of the RTN team.

  4. Upon booking, you will be receive an email from the clinic in between 5-7 days for onboarding and to formally commence the process which can be completed inside 12 weeks depending on how quickly supporting info is returned
  6. Neurodiversity Training International is a partner organisation of RTN Mental Health Solutions.


The Benefits of Purchasing a Combined Assessment

  • A single process so you do not have to duplicate any form filling

  • Reassurance that you are covering both conditions as some studies suggest that more than one third of autistic people also show ADHD 

  • A reduction in the price of conducting both assessments separately

  • A combined aftercare plan that considers multiple diagnoses

Fast Access To A Fully Recognised, Validating, and Professional Diagnosis

Waiting lists can be extremely long. If you book now, the RTN Guarantee is that your full diagnosis and paperwork, delivered by a U.K based Chartered Clinical Psychologist, will be delivered within 6 weeks

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A Full Assessment that will not cost you £1000s, and That Can Be Paid In Instalments.

Some clinics can charge into the thousands when it comes to acquiring a full combined diagnosis. Our guarantee to you, is to keep our pricing low, so that you can obtain the diagnosis to get the help and support you need - STRESS FREE.

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Our Diagnosis system was developed with Neurodivergent people

We have worked in partnership with families, and ND adults, to ensure the experience received is of maximum comfort, whilst adhering to clinical guidelines and legislation. Your comfort, is our priority, diagnoses should be safe and friendly. That is what we achieved.

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So Why Chose RTN?

RTN works with communities and corporates, to ensure individuals can achieve better mental health outcomes, without spending thousands or languishing on waiting lists.

In the UK, waiting times for diagnoses can be as long as two years. Private assessments are often financially inaccessible and can have complex pricing structures. RTN provides an affordable and speedy assessment process to ensure Neurodivergent people and their networks can receive the right support.

 Our Promise To You

  •  A full diagnostic assessment by a Chartered Clinical Psychologist
  •  To provide you with a detailed report that you can share with schools, GPs, employers or any other relevant parties
  •  To complete your assessment within 6 weeks of booking
  •  A mental health assessment by a registered Psychotherapist.

Amanda Hall CPsychol; AFBPsS - Chartered Clinical Psychologist

As an Applied Psychologist in the NHS, I worked in various settings in mental health and learning disabilities and eventually became Head of Psychology in Swansea NHS Trust and then Lead for Psychological Therapies in Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University (ABMU) NHS Health Board.

Dr Abigail Lucas, PsychD; PhD; CPsychol; AFBPsS

Registered Clinical Psychologist Chartered Psychologist

Associate Fellow of the British Psychological society

Assessment of Older Adults, Adults and Children

Psychological therapy for Older Adults, Adults and Children.

Dr Renata Fialho

Dr Renata Fialho works in an NHS specialist service at the general hospital, having developed extensive experience with Post covid syndrome, depression, anxiety, emotional difficulties associated with chronic illness, physical persistent symptoms, and Functional Neurological Disorders.

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Endorsed and supported by Neurodiversity Training International

"On a daily basis, I hear of parents, families, and adults, looking for fast and financially accessible ADHD/Autism dual diagnoses. Now RTN are providing a quick assessment, at an affordable rate, completed to the highest standards. RTN is what has been needed for so long, and will help so many. A lovely team, good people, and a heart-led firm. Very highly recommended". 

Jude Morrow, CEO and Founder of Neurodiversity Training International.

Start your journey here.

Be free of waiting lists, and exorbitant costs.

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