NTI Will Help You Create
Schools that parents are happy sending their ND kids to.
Workplaces and corporate settings ND adults are happy working for.
Community organisations ND people love and support.
Our award-winning training and development days will help you become more inclusive, and showcase your commitment to Neurodiversity so nobody gets left behind. Our training isn’t about how to simply “work with Neurodivergent people”, it is about creating a community that EVERYONE is part of. If you are struggling with one Neurodivergent person and want advice, why not consider a 1-1 consultation with Jude directly.
We have Successfully Trained

Corporate Training Days
Our training is one full day comprising of two sessions. One for leadership and management, and the second for general staff. Simply training management to be more inclusive is only half of the task, we also empower and encourage all employees to discuss their needs, request accommodations, and feel safe about having healthy open dialogue. Deliverable both on-site (RECOMMENDED) or virtually. Neurodiversity is EVERYONE'S responsibility. We can’t teach management the skill of telepathy to anticipate and guess the needs of all staff at all times…unfortunately
To discover how Neurodiversity Training could change your business landscape, simply get in touch.Â
As Featured in Forbes Magazine
Read Our Forbes Feature Here
Education Training Days

School training days can include ALL school staff. We have provided training and development to Early Years providers right up to Universities and everything in between. The day is comprised of two sessions, one for educators and the other for parents and caregivers that the school invites. Good educational outcomes happen when parents and educators collaborate, and we believe this to be essential. Plus it gives parents and caregivers confidence that their loved ones' needs are being taken seriously and a commitment is being made to create positive and lasting change.
To discover how Neurodiversity Training could impact your education facility, simply get in touch.Â
We have trained these respected educators

Online Courses with Certification
We know that training and development days are incredibly difficult to organise, even in smaller organisations or schools. What we can offer, is bulk purchases of licenses where staff can complete the online training in their own time and be issued with a certificate. This offers flexibility, and impact without co-ordinating venues and cover for an in-person training day.
Each requirement is different so reach out today to discuss your specific needs.
Impact your Neurodiversity Program with our online courses by simply getting in touch.Â
Individually Tailored Solutions

Having provided training and development programmes all over the world, the chances of us being able to provide you with what you need are incredibly high. If you want to speak to us, great! We always love to chat about what we do and how we can help. All you need to do is book a call with us at the button below.
Impact your Neurodiversity Program with our online courses by simply getting in touch.Â
Your Facilitator - Jude Morrow
Training is carried out by autistic best-selling author, two-time TEDx Speaker, and founder of Neurodiversity Training International - Jude Morrow. Training is ALWAYS a half day, or a full day for two staff groups.
The training you got before doesn't work. If it did, you wouldn't be reading this. Our way works and is delivered globally with incredible results.
The session is a blend of conversation, impactful and fun exercises, and comedic performance art. This is training people do ONCE! The only time we return, is to train new staff, teachers, or a new group of parents.